Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Denver Glacier

When Iraise invited me to join her on her final trek to complete the Skagway Trail Challenge, I couldn't say no. We set out to conquer the Denver Glacier Trial, which involved a 3 mile mountain bike ride out to the "trail head" (which begins when you begin to wonder when you're going to hurl over your handle bars and decide to ditch your bike and begin walking).

We hiked in lush rain forest, in which I was more worried about seeing a dinosaur than a black bear. After 5 wet, overcast miles, we finally reached a clearing where the trail simply stopped. We stood there, listening to cascading waterfalls, wondering where the glacier was. Suddenly, the clouds parted and our jaws dropped as we gained sight of a massive, clear-blue hanging glacier. I was speechless. Iraise was so excited, she began jumping up and down and put a hand on my shoulder. I of course thought she was a bear, and screamed at the top of her lungs, which made her scream in surprise. We then concluded that we were safe, as we probably scared off all of the wildlife within earshot.
Denver Glacier.
Denver Glacier.
Trekking back home, trying to remember where we left our bikes...

After the hike, we gathered together with 5 of our friends to celebrate the end of the season with a Thanksgiving Dinner. Although it sounded a little off-season, it was a nice was to reflect on the end of the summer. We all had a lot to be thankful for; for staying safe out here, for the beautiful vistas we saw, and for the great friends we have made. Although we all said our good-byes, I left with a strong feeling that I would cross path with some of them again.

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