Sunday, June 27, 2010

3265.5 Miles From Home

Sitting in the indigenous art room of Anchorage airport, I just calculated that I am 3265.5 miles from Albany. And somehow I still have 2 more flights to go before reaching my final destination of Skagway, a former gold rush town turned top cruise port located along the Inside Passage of the Alaskan Gulf.

Surprised I was physically capable of walking, I just got off a 7 hour flight from Chitown. The best part of the flight was that I had a window seat. The worst part of the flight was that I had a window seat. I was able to see the Canadian Rockies, still covered in a ton of snow (spring skiing?), massive retreating ice fields, and azure glacial lakes, which was all amazing. Unfortunately, I was seated between two retired men who were headed to an undisclosed location for a week of sock-eyed salmon fishing who managed to complete several REM-cycles throughout flight, preventing me from standing the entire ride.

I have been traveling for nearly 15 hours exactly and still have another 6 to go before reaching Juneau. Luckily, one of my good friends from school lives in Juneau and works as a "flightseeing" guide, and was able to put me up for the night. I have never looked forward to sleeping on a couch this much!

More pictures to come- I forgot to pack my USB cord in my carry-on. Eskimo kisses!


  1. Ladyjane!!! I'm super pumped you have a blog and I love the layout - how very appropriate! I also love hearing about ice and snow, something that people here only dream of. It's rained once for about 26 seconds in the month that I've been here and I'm missing normal weather patterns. Keep the updates coming - I love me a good procrastination tool ;) love you! -amanda

  2. MaryJane - I love the blog! You'll have a lot of fun with it and it will become a written record of your Aklaskan adventure. Can't wait to read more. So glad you are safe in Juneau. I'm sure your flight to Skagway today will be *unique* and interesting :)
